ACT—Adults and Children Together—Raising Safe Kids

We are a program of the American Psychological Association and it's Public Interest Directorate. This blog is for parent group facilitators to share their ideas and experiences in working with the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program. It is a place to post information, ask questions, share research findings, offer suggestions as well as dialog with other ACT Certified Parent Group Leaders.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Dear ACT Northeast partners,

Welcome to! You have been added to this blog as a writer. This means you can read all "blogs" that others have written, you can "comment" or respond/add to what others have written, and you can write your own "blog" in which you begin a new topic.

This will be our resource for communicating with one another. If you hold a workshop, this blog is a way of letting others know how it went, what worked, what didn't work, and any thoughts you might have. This blog is also a way of letting others know your plans for upcoming workshops or projects. Everything posted here is secure.

You will also find on the Lemberg Children's Center website,, a list of facilitators in the Northeast and their contact information, a list of helpful resources, a calender of events, and links to the ACT website.

Let the conversations begin.


Howie, Amanda, Karen, and Sylvia

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