ACT—Adults and Children Together—Raising Safe Kids

We are a program of the American Psychological Association and it's Public Interest Directorate. This blog is for parent group facilitators to share their ideas and experiences in working with the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program. It is a place to post information, ask questions, share research findings, offer suggestions as well as dialog with other ACT Certified Parent Group Leaders.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Culture and a Case

I'd like to ask you're thoughts on how to work with a parent who has some resistance. Here is a case :
A client of mine insists that her cultural way is to tell children what they should be doing. Not doing so might jeopardize her success in raising children who listen and are disciplined.

Several questions are raised. 1) Is this really a cultural communication and if so should it be accepted as necessary to maintain the heritage? 2) Does this excuse come from the difficulty in learning positive parenting skills which require more creativity and humor? 3) Would trying to have her identify with the child by asking her to think about her reactions to her parent when she was between five and eight facilitate her motivation to change her ways?

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