ACT—Adults and Children Together—Raising Safe Kids

We are a program of the American Psychological Association and it's Public Interest Directorate. This blog is for parent group facilitators to share their ideas and experiences in working with the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program. It is a place to post information, ask questions, share research findings, offer suggestions as well as dialog with other ACT Certified Parent Group Leaders.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peaceful Families blog by our Kelly Champion

Please follow Kelly Champion's blog as well.

"Please share as you find appropriate and I would love to hear comments. It is tough to keep up and your voice would help" -Kelly

Monday, March 7, 2011

Facilitator Training: March 22-23, 9am-4pm

Registration for the APA-ACT's Facilitator Training is still open!

The ACT Raising Safe Kids program is a community-based violence prevention program that teaches and discusses topics such as positive discipline,conflict resolution, exposure to media violence, and child development. With violence becoming an unnecessarily rampant aspect of our society, the ACT Raising Safe Kids program helps parents and caretakers prevent violence in their children's lives.

Training to lead these parent groups of the RSK program is available for professionals working with families with young children. The next two-day training will take place at the Brandeis University campus on March 22 & 23 from 9AM-4PM.

For more information, please contact the ACT Northeast Regional Training Center at 781.736.2200.